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Plato lamented the musical revolution and its ‘unmusical anarchy’.“Through foolishness they deceived themselves into thinking that there was no right or wrong in music – that it was to be judged good or bad by the pleasure it gave.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Origins of Yidden

“Today there are styles in the chassidic music that have no connection to chassidus,” says the singer Mordechai Ben David Werdigger. “It is like being in the jungle. The kushim sing in a more refined way than they do. The words don’t make the song chassidic. Maybe it gives pleasure – like eating pizza, but there is no spiritual pleasure in it.” [from an interview in the Bnei Brak paper Kol HaIr 12th Tishrei 5764]. “Something has happened to the chassidic music in the past few years,” says Avraham Freed. “The truth is that today’s young singers have no red lines. I know that I have my limits that I will never cross….. The situation today has worsened to a point that very soon we, the singers and the public will have to shout – ‘The music has reached the gates of hell!’” [from an interview in the magazine Shaah Tovah, Erev Sukkos, 5764
These singers [with the exception of R’ Ben Tzion Shenker] fail to mention that they are the ones who started the trend to imitate American rock and roll, and that the younger singers who they criticize are only taking an example from them to copy the new styles of popular street music. Let us finally hear what the “Composer of the year – 5764” Yishai Lapidos has to say about the subject:

“I know many people who claim that today’s big singers introduced the disco beat and the rock. For example, Mordechai Ben David introduced rock and roll, Deady Groucher brought in the rock, Vindish with Boruch Hagever brought in the trend of ‘converted songs’. The song ‘Moshiach’ of Mordechai Ben David is in the style of real rock and roll, and there is not much difference between rock and roll and dance. The disco of all the big singers such as Werdigger, Freed and Deady have come from the American rock and roll and disco.” [From the magazine, Shiru Lo, Chanukah 5764, p.20
all sources brought in http://charedish.net/?p=368#1

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